Monday, 1 April 2013

April Tomfoolery

It is April Fools day today and I hope you have all recovered from your April Fools Eve celebrations. Last year for April Fools day my dog pretended that it was dead and we all pretended to feel quite sad and we buried it in the garden. It is a very funny dog and it is probably one of the three best dogs at April Fooling that I know. It is still down there now, pretending.
I don't even have a dog, that was just a cheeky April Fools day trick which I did to make you look silly. Would you like to learn how to April Fool around on people? Well, wipe that egg off your face and hearken to my top April Fools day tips.
Obviously you can't do the April Fool about having a dog because that's my best one and I need to use it myself every year, but here are some other suggestions:
April Fool #1: Pretend to be the actor Daniel Day-Lewis and telephone Barclays
Get permission from your Mum or Dad so you can use the telephone to telephone Barclays, and then ring them up and when the man or lady asks for your name you need to say “my name is Daniel-Day Lewis,” (remember that you aren't really Daniel Day-Lewis you are only pretending) but you have to say it in Daniel-Day-Lewis' voice so they believe you, otherwise it wouldn't be very funny at all. Then when they ask how they can help you, say that your debit card has been stolen and you need to cancel your card because you've got a lot of money in the bank because you were just being paid to be Abraham Lincoln. Technical details such as these should convince them of your identity, and when they cancel -Daniel Day Lewis'- debit card you tell them you were just doing an April Fool so they can't be angry with you. You can do this with other actors (I can't think of any right now) but if you do remember to change the bit about playing Abraham Lincoln or they will think you are weird.
April Fool B: Tell a man his parents are dead
For this you need to find a man and say that his parents have died and that they are dead. If he starts to cry then pat him on the back and say it's okay and that there are plenty more parents in the sea, although sadly none of the other parents are his parents, because his parents are dead (remember that his parents aren't really dead you are just doing a joke). When he has finished crying and his eyes look all heavy with sorrow you need to jump up and say “April Fools! They are alive really!” (If it turns out that during the course of your conversation with the man that one or both of his parents has actually died, then you can say that you were doing a double April Fool, which is so hard to pull of that he'll be really impressed and won't even feel sad.)
April Fool B.ii): Pretend you have no head
This is fairly self-explanatory really I don't think I need to explain this one.
April Fool iv(4): Tell a close friend you love them and want to kiss them
Find a close friend and tell them that you secretly love them and have loved them for a long time but you have just been too scared to say anything until now. If they say they love you too and that they feel the same and that they are so pleased the two of you have finally been honest with each other then say “haha not really, I am the April Fooler,” and if they say they are really sorry but they don't feel the same way and they hope that this won't effect your friendship you can say “haha no I was only joking for an April Fools joke.”

April Five: Wear a funny hat
Sometimes when you do an April Fool you don't have to lie to anyone you can just wear a funny hat or something.
These are all of my ideas and I can't think of any more. Remember to say sorry to anyone you make cry and you're welcome to anyone you make laugh.

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